<body> Life is just like before. Just simply sweet.


Agatha Seow
17th September
Anderson Junior College



  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • July 2007



    DESIGNER: ice angel

    Brushes: Fractured-Sanity.Org
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    Friday, April 27, 2007

    Prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of. Discuss.

    Prejudice is a biased opinion against someone or a group which may be considered unreasonable. There are different kinds of prejudice: racism, linguicism, ageism, heterosexism, prejudice based on differing political stances, and classism or elitism based on ones' socioeconomic status. If prejudice is referred to as a disease that cannot be gotten rid of, it means that it possesses hate and fear which is permanent throughout our lives.

    I agree to the statement that prejudice is a disease that we can never get rid of. In my opinion, we can never totally stop people from being prejudice, but we are able to change the perception that they have. The main reasons prejudice is what most people will have, is due to the strong emphasis and coverage we have in the media, the treatment to some races that is passed on from parents and children, and painful history. These causes to prejudice can never be eradicated due some reasons. For example, we cannot rewrite history, nor able to totally correct the “values” that parents educate in their children.

    Prejudice is indeed a disease which makes people hate and fear. It is also like a plague, something that is widespread and causes side effects. Those who fall in the category of being prejudice against, will fear for the rest of their life, until one great leader stands out and bring them out of their misery. They are very vulnerable to attacks, and often many surrender to the bullying because they feel that they are born to lead this life. Anger, frustration and depression grow deep within them, and when it gets out of control, they turn around for revenge. One recent example is the mass killing in Virginia Tech. The media coverage on it has been intensive, more importantly specifying the nationality of the student in a foreign country; a South Korean student in the United States. We cannot deny that in a fast globalizing world, there is still the idea of inferiority complex which has not died down since the colonial days. No matter how well developed an Asian country is, it is still not comparable to those in the States and Europe. Through this murder, we can clearly see that the emphasis made by the media and use of internet, are a great influence in our technologically advancing society.

    Everyone has their own fears and bad experiences and coincidentally, they might be done by those groups or individuals, whom we dislike. In these cases, it further aggravates the hatred we have for them. Hence, prejudice is like a disease, almost permanent and cannot be removed, regardless of right or wrong.

    - you are a beautiful mistake:) ;

    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    Let’s make dreams come true and hopes unfurl!!! Please give AGATHA, CHERYL and WILSON your greatest support on STUDENTS' COUNCIL POLLING DAY. Be assured that we will do our best in making your journey in AJC an enjoyable one.

    - you are a beautiful mistake:) ;

    “YouTube is a popular free video sharing website which lets users upload, view, and share video clips. Videos can be rated, and the average rating and the number of times a video has been watched are both published.” This is the definition of YouTube quoted from Wikipedia. The access to free video sharing has earned a lot of popularity for Youtube, and this has also resulted in the abuse of such free services.

    I disagree to a large extent to the statement that YouTube has been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money, neglecting ethics. In my opinion, I feel that it was the users who was responsible for misusing the service, and therefore trying to create trouble through their ignorance towards world and religious issues. A 44-second film showing graffiti over the Thai king's face which was aired on YouTube, showed a good example of insensitivity. The contentious film also shows feet being placed over the king's face - an offensive act to Thais, who consider feet dirty. Hence, it is not surprising that the Thai authorities banned YouTube in Thailand. The video clip should have been immediately removed from YouTube, but Google declined. Realising that is was a mistake, they are currently looking into the matter. Although YouTube was wrong in declining to remove the video clip, it does not justify that the company has no ethics. It is obvious that most of us have benefited a lot from YouTube. The wide range of video clips not only provides us with a source of entertainment, but also as an important site for sharing and retrieving sources for research purposes.

    Everyone needs to make a living, but if the activity involved causes more good than harm, then it there should not be a problem doing it. Also, it is hard to imagine a world without entertainment, and worst still, without free online entertainment.

    - you are a beautiful mistake:) ;

    I'm one of the youngest among my cousins. BUT LOOK!! Don't I look fortunate with so many sisters who care for me? I think the Seow girls simply rocks :))

    - you are a beautiful mistake:) ;